June 14, 2010

The Last Email

Well, here it is, the last email. This means that the end is eminent.

The World Cup began this week. We have permission to watch the Argentina games, if we have our open the mouths. This is a far better use of our time as we spend time with members and investigators instead of in the street with nobody.

As far as other things go, I'm doing alright. This will be an interesting week. On Tuesday we have a dinner appointment with my first convert. Should be fun.

Well, I guess I'll be seeing you all in about a week and a half.


June 7, 2010

Let the Penultimate Adventure Begin

So, it's the beginning of my second to last week. Fairly exciting. We have one perspective baptism. It is the grandson of the other Elders' landlord. He recently started coming back to Church since his wife died. At least we have some motivation to work.

My companion and I have been analyzing our experiences the last two years. We have decided that there is a great difference between missionaries in South America South and missionaries elsewhere. One of those is the members. We have virtually no help from the members. That means that we have far more exposure to the common people, or the non-elite. (The elite being the Lord's elite) This has made us very tired of the people.

As for the coat, it was big, heavy, took up a lot of room, and was starting to break, so I left it in Malargüe for some poor Elder without a big coat for the cold winter there.

Many thanks for the flight info. I am very glad to be on only two flights.


May 31, 2010

New Week


Well, it's been yet another week. Elder Civic comes to the Zone Conference this week. Should be fun.

It's getting pretty hard having a companion who finishes with me. Especially since he doesn't help me get motivated to work. Really we have to work super hard this week and get someone to Church, or else we won't baptize this transfer. Ugh.

As for those other things, I don't really need a home coming thing. If you want to do one, go ahead. And the misison email is 2012677@ldschurch.org The secretary is the Hermana Alvez from Buenos Aires, but she knows enough English to get by. Apparently my comp's travel info got to his family last week, so I don't know what's going on.

That's all for now.


May 24, 2010

Happy 200 Argentina!

Well, tomorrow is 25 of May. The bicentennial of Argentina. Everyone is more patriotic than I have ever seen them. I guess it's cool that I got to be here for the bicentennial. Not much too special. I did divisions the other day in Justo Daract and there was some shindig in the plaza. The announcer guy started talking about 25 de Mayo. "May 25th, 1810, was a day like today; 200 years ago..." Yup. I never would've guessed that.

Not too much else happened. We are going to have a big tallent show type activity. Should be lots of fun.

Now news on my flight plans. I will find out the day before I get home. I think that they will email you saying when I will get in. I hope. All the dates were wrong on the Stewardship Letter instructions I got today, so I hope they get it right.


May 18, 2010

Another Week

Well, I'm going from a different email today, and a day late. It's a long story, and I don't really care to remember too much about yesterday. In short I didn't realize that the cyber had faulty keyboards and got my missionary account locked out because I tried by password too many times when one key didn't work. Grumble... Unfortunately I'm still locked out, I have informed tech support about this. So much for starting the week without stress.

There was some fun stuff this week. I talked with a guy from Blackfoot, Idaho on Saturday. He has been living here for the last twenty years. He seems to enjoy himself, but doesn't "want anything to do with Mormons." It is weird to me talking about the Gospel with people in English now. We also went to the Sony Music studio here in Villa Mercedes to take a tour. It was really fun. It is the best music studio in Latin America. They have a really big studio. One that is on par with Abbey Road. It was pretty impressive.

Transfers come every six weeks, on Wednesday. The newbies come in, and the old guys go home on the Tuesday before. My companion and I from last transfer have stayed together, and so will finish together. President told us that he is closing the area when we go because more are leaving than are coming. Those are my newsy things.

I am incredibly envious. Little Shop is one of my favorite shows that I have always wanted to see.

Hope all is well.


May 10, 2010

Another week

Well another week. We find out about transfers today. I'll let you know next week.

We sent an Elder from the zone home yesterday. He looked very happy.

I need to learn to write things down. There was stuff I was going to tell you about, but I forgot.


There is a member here who does microminiatures. We went over and saw them yesterday. Camels passing on an eyelash through the eye of a needle. Pioneers on the head of a pin. That sort of stuff. He also has ships in bottles. And the Tree of Life in a light bulb. Cool stuff. I forgot my camera.

Yeah. That's all I can think of for now. I'll remember to tell you something interesting next week. Sorry.


May 3, 2010

Ho Hum

So, the big news is, everything is still about the same. Nothing much new. Some guy stopped us in the street the other day and started badgering us about "What day is the seventh day of the week?!" He also started talking about whatever thing like the Waldensians. He said that he would love to be their descendant and worship on Saturday. He was weird. I, personally, think that the Seventh Day Adventists should stop getting all caught up on the Sabbath day and just stick to making cereal. Some of the best and cheapest cereal here (Granix) is made by the Adventists.

Well, that's all for now. Transfers are next week. I'm probably staying here. I'll let you know what's going on when I find out.
