August 31, 2009


Hellos again!

Really not much to say this week. I was expecting to be able to tell you about transfers, but I don’t know yet. I’m fairly certain that I am going to Mendoza on Wednesday (transfer day), but nothing has been confirmed yet. Well, nothing has been confirmed by me.

All of my Christmas wishes really are just candies; Double Stuft Oreos, Carmel Creams, Worther’s Originals, etc. I would also like a new CD of Christmas stuff. The one you sent last year doesn’t really work. At all. It only plays half of the songs, and those are all messed up. But I’d like that one sooner so that I can actually listen to it during the Christmas season. Thank you.

I used my big winter coat two or three times, no mas. Really that was because I was in San Juan all winter. If I had been in San Rafael or Malargue it would have been a different story. Everything here’s starting to be green. The last few days it has gotten up to 86 degrees out. Pretty crazy as it’s technically still winter. In the summer here it gets over 104.

The past few days I’ve been with a bit of a cold. It was getting worse, so I took most of the day off on Wednesday to nip it in the bud. That seems to have worked. I’m almost completely better now. Still gotta blow my nose from time to time, though.

Well, that’s all for now. I’ll tell you all about my new comp, new area, and all that jazz next week.


August 24, 2009

Evil ATMs

Hey all.

Another week. But it was a great one. Well, the conference was great; the rest of the week was pretty much the same. I had read and listened to a famous talk given by Cleon Skousen about intelligences that he gave at a mission Zone Conference, and hoped to be able to get a talk like that too. My wish came true with Elder Bowen. He started talking about true identity and responsibility. It was really great. I don’t have my notes with me, but maybe sometime later I’ll send a list of the scriptures that he used.

Other than that, nothing really new. I bought some new socks today. 65 pesos. Socks here are way too expensive. My companion bought new shoes. But he was twenty pesos short, so we went to the ATM. There his card got eaten. So, we go inside and tell some lady. She waits five minutes before coming to fix the thing. Then she takes his card and his ID away. We wait another twenty minutes. Finally she makes him sign a paper and gives his card back saying, "Next time I destroy it, be careful! >:(" In my opinion, very unprofessional and uncalled for. My companion did nothing wrong. His poor card did nothing wrong. The evil ATM and angry banker-ladies were to blame!

Well, sorry for being short, but I really don’t have anything more to say. Hope all is well.


August 17, 2009

Wait, this isn't 1885...


Well, another week. Today is August 17th. La día de la Memoria de la Muerte de General San Martín. So, being a holiday, everything is closed. We were going to buy shoes (my companion) and socks (me) because we forgot that everything would be closed. We are lucky that we found an open cyber.

It is very interesting to me that you mentioned secion 132 in your email, Dad. We got this reference from the Elders in the next area over for a less-active family with 11 kids, three to baptize. We went and there were two women and 11 kids. I wasn't surprised by two women and a ton of kids because this is Argentina and multiple families frequently live in the same house. They were amazingly active for an inactive family, and the first lesson turned into just asking questions and having all the kids answer correctly. The women menioned to us that the husband of one was excumunicated and that they were both suspended, I didn’t think it apropriate to ask why. I then, on Sunday, informed the Branch President that we were visiting them. He informed us that we had to stop. We were to invite them back to Church and nothing else. He told us that the women were excomunicated too, that he had held the tribunal. Never in my wildest dreams had I expected to run into poligamists. Witches, false prophets (another one that’s checked off my list), and evil spirits, yes, but not polygamists. So, we can’t teach that family any more. It’s a real shame because the kids are great, just horrible that those kids are going to grow up thinking that that stuff’s alright.

Other than that, not much to tell. About Jerusalem, I’d been thinking that I’d have to drop that dream, but the posibility of fall semester opens it back up. I’ll take it! I just didn’t think that fall semester would be possible, but I’d like to do it now that I know it is. Thanks!

Tomorrow is the conference with Elder Bowen, so I’ll let you all know how that went next week.


August 15, 2009

Another week gone by ......

Hellos again!

Another week gone. It really is amazing how fast time goes by. And yes, it seems like transfers come every couple weeks. In reality they come every six weeks, but that’s fairly frequently. I didn’t used to think so, but now I do.

Sadly, there isn’t much to tell. Not much new going on. Still looking for people to teach. Yesterday was Ward Conference. We did a musical number. My companion played the piano, and I sang with the councilor of the bishopric. “This is The Christ.” Nobody here had heard it before. And, once again, I was met with a lot of praise for my singing. I don’t know why. I am so out of practice, but I think I’m really the only one who notices. I fear that my dreams of getting into Vocal Point right off the mission will not come to fruition; I’ll have to work myself back up by being in one of the other choirs first. Oh well.

Um… Sorry for the shortness, but I really can’t think of what else to say. Next week is the conference with Elder Bowen (Area President, South America South), so you’ll hear about that in two weeks.


August 3, 2009

Much Better

Hellos again!

Well, another week gone by. In health news, ever since last Monday I have been much better. The severe headache thing was new, but now long gone; hopefully to stay away. With the health improvements we’ve been working a ton. I even needed to put some of those Dr. Scholl’s gel inserts in my shoes because of the walkingness. I tried to find the ones I used in an older pair of shoes, but could only find one, so I used new ones. Oh well, that’s what they’re for.

Today was supposed to be Zone Conference. We only had interviews and training by the APs. The reason: on the 18th Elder Bowen (Area President) is visiting the mission. We’re all getting ready for that. It should be good. The APs really only echoed what Elder Aidukaitis said about a year ago.

Other news… There isn’t much. Enjoying my time here in San Juan. Kinda wondering what will happen next transfer. I have two transfers here, and that seems to be my standard maximum in an area. The one exception being the three transfers in my first area. Hermana Lindahl sort of got on my case about not being a Nazi in teaching my companion English. I guess I’d better start working on that. She’s very big on making sure all the Latins learn English.

Well, sorry for the shortness, but I really don’t have that much to say. It’s cold here. Then at noon it’s hot. And cold again at night. Spring and summer are coming, so that means lots of hotness. I hope to be in San Luis or the south of Mendoza before the summer. We’ll see.

Until next time.
