Hello all!
So, yesterday was Zone Conference. It was really good. President talked about the nature of Christ and bodies and stuff, one of those “open your minds” type things. My mind was not really further opened, but I did have some things confirmed, which is always nice. An elder who went home a year ago came to the Conference to tell the Latins to learn English. He is now a supervisor working for Microsoft, just because he speaks English. I talked to him later and all he is really doing is supervising people helping people upgrade from Vista to Windows 7.
Things are going well. Seems like I’ll be in Malargüe for a while, possibly until the end of my mission. This is fine. I like the town, but the branch is tugging at my nerves. Nothing I can really do but try to help them. It is really amazing that the end is so near. 3 and a half transfers left. Wow. Just gotta keep on chugging.
The Jerusalem Center application is finally in. Huzzah! I also sent my normal BYU ecclesiastical endorsement in, so now I just have to send in the special Jerusalem Center one and get the rest of the application filled out. Hopefully things will work out.
Hope all is well with you.
P.S. Next week for P-day we're going spelunkingish in the Caverna de las Brujas (The Cavern of the Witches)