February 9, 2009

¡¡¡Aguante los Mormones!!!


I had a rather amusing experience this week. There is a delinquent here who whenever he sees us shouts “Aguante Satanas!” It is about the equivilent of “uphold Satan” or something along those lines. Well, the other day we were leaving a bakery and some kids wanted to shake our hands, so I let them. Then they began following us for the rest of the block shouting “Aguante los Mormones! Aguante Jesucristo! Amen!” All in all, a rather amusing experience.

I continue to suffer from the inability to think of what to write as I go. I’m going to have to start noting things in my planner.

In the MTC I started a project to read all the Standard Works. This project grew to include the Bible Dictionary; I ommited the Topical Guide. But the reading was not in order. It began with the Book of Mormon, New Testament, D&C, Pearl of Great Price, and the Old Testament. The Bible dictionary came at the same time as the New Testament. I am now beginning Leviticus. The Bible Dictionary is a very interesting reference. I am also reading Jesus the Christ whenever I can find a half-hour or so. I rather dislike stopping in the middle of chapters.

Recently the moon has been very lovely here. As the moon was full last night, I took advantage and took some pictures. I tried to include a couple but the USB of this machine didn’t like my camera. I also learned how to take decent pictures of the moon with a point-and-shoot.

I hope that all is going well in a land now draped in winter. It’s been around 90 degrees inside our apartment during the day.



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