August 17, 2009

Wait, this isn't 1885...


Well, another week. Today is August 17th. La día de la Memoria de la Muerte de General San Martín. So, being a holiday, everything is closed. We were going to buy shoes (my companion) and socks (me) because we forgot that everything would be closed. We are lucky that we found an open cyber.

It is very interesting to me that you mentioned secion 132 in your email, Dad. We got this reference from the Elders in the next area over for a less-active family with 11 kids, three to baptize. We went and there were two women and 11 kids. I wasn't surprised by two women and a ton of kids because this is Argentina and multiple families frequently live in the same house. They were amazingly active for an inactive family, and the first lesson turned into just asking questions and having all the kids answer correctly. The women menioned to us that the husband of one was excumunicated and that they were both suspended, I didn’t think it apropriate to ask why. I then, on Sunday, informed the Branch President that we were visiting them. He informed us that we had to stop. We were to invite them back to Church and nothing else. He told us that the women were excomunicated too, that he had held the tribunal. Never in my wildest dreams had I expected to run into poligamists. Witches, false prophets (another one that’s checked off my list), and evil spirits, yes, but not polygamists. So, we can’t teach that family any more. It’s a real shame because the kids are great, just horrible that those kids are going to grow up thinking that that stuff’s alright.

Other than that, not much to tell. About Jerusalem, I’d been thinking that I’d have to drop that dream, but the posibility of fall semester opens it back up. I’ll take it! I just didn’t think that fall semester would be possible, but I’d like to do it now that I know it is. Thanks!

Tomorrow is the conference with Elder Bowen, so I’ll let you all know how that went next week.


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