July 1, 2008

Part II

Well, I'm back. Doing laundry right now. So, I have remembered some of the things I was going to say.

Last week one of the sisters in my district broke her finger while playing sand volleyball. A warning to all who want to play volleyball: mind your fingers. Gym continues to be a unique experience. Never have I seen such intense a game as four-square at the MTC. The elders here get way into it. It's even scary to watch.

Well, I continue to not be as organized as I thought I was.

Went to the Temple today. I thought it was interesting, I found a painting by Dale Fletcher. A painting of the temple site before there was a temple there.

Like I said before, my Russian-speaking roommates are gone. That means that Elder Roy and I will probably get new roommates tomorrow. This week has been very nice without any other roommates. Oh well, that's life at the MTC.

Continued thanks to all who send me mail. Also, I encourage everyone to send me mail. I will be able to write everyone back as long as I am in the MTC.

Also, a note on mail while I am in Argentina. If you do not want your mail to me to be opened before it gets to me, put Catholic stickers on the envelope and they'll respect it. Some of my district have known people on missions in Argentina and it works.

Until next week,
Elder Budge